Wednesday 25 November 2020


I love Mav but Ghost is my hero.

I am keeping this review short as everything I tried to write it up I have ended up spoiling something.

Serena Akeroyd is an amazing author but she also knows how to break my heart at the same time. After some more shocking revelations in Cruz I wasn't sure what more could be done to hurt my aching heart. 

Well I should have known better as Serena has to be the Queen to rollercoaster emotions and mystery. 

Maverick let's us in on some secrets but those well placed crumbs just means we know there is so much more to come in the Dark and Dirty Sinners MC and Filthy Feckers series and I for one cannot wait!

This has become a highly recommended book in a series I seem to be annoying everyone into reading as it is just so good. If haven't started already then absolutely get started even with the tears shed it's completely worth it. Mav is so lucky to have found Ghost. 

By Claire 

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